Canada, Inc. Part 2 – The Military Industrial Complex is Alive and Well

Fact one. Canada was not involved in the American incursion into Vietnam.

Fact two. Canada was involved in the American War in Vietnam.

How can both these statements be true? In the same way that Canadian companies continue to profit off of wars regardless of whether or not we are officially (as a country) a part of that war in a “killing other humans” capacity. A Canadian company supplied a significant amount of the rifle ammunition used in the American Incursion into Iraq.

Look what that quagmire devolved into.

Fuck it, right? Get money; get paid.

Not to mention all the Canadians who voluntarily went to Vietnam and fought alongside their American brethren with 134 killed or missing. Or the OEF/OIF combat veterans who volunteered with the YPG in Kurdistan. That organization (the YPG) later being designated a terrorist organization by the West because they compromise the interests of Turkey and the West needs Turkey’s compliance to maintain some of their power in the region. Thus mass media stops covering the murder of Khashoggi or outright mocks it.

So. I mean. We’re not technically involved… but we’re also technically involved. It’s sort of like how Canada is definitely totally not at all involved in the human rights abuses being committed in Yemen with weapons we manufactured and sold to Saudi Arabia… but we kinda technically are super definitely involved by virtue of allowing it to happen.

Kinda sorta murky. Watch out Venezuela! Soon enough they’ll be calling you terrorists and invading you in the name of Freedom. Restoring your democracy. Things of that ilk. God forbid the American Military do a Goddamned thing about the narco-terrorism happening below their border for the past 3 decades.

Maybe that’s secretly what the wall is about?

Who knows.

The world’s funny like that.

Just when you think you’ve figured it out; some dirtier naughtier juicier more disturbing layer is revealed. Perhaps the wall is a preparation for a much larger impending war.

Who knows?

That is certainly one dangerous Cheeto they have down there; but the guy holding the bag is even more dangerous. Just wait.

Former Vice President Richard Cheney was the CEO of Haliburton from 1995-2000 when he left to run for Vice President (source). On September 10, 2001 – Donald Rumsfeld announced on behalf of the Pentagon that they were missing 2.3 Trillion dollars in military spending. The next day, something incredible happened and everybody forgot.

So check this historic farewell address from an exiting-President that warned of the dangers and inevitability of a permanent arms industry fueling wars for profit. Perhaps check out the poetry in the second video or continue to Part 3.


Part 3



Part 3

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