Population Control: Genocide By Denial of Care

“The Doctor Crisis” we call it. A shortage of doctors and medical staff. This happening at a time when a significant number were fired and an entire several-years of healthcare graduates pursuing this as a career were forced to quit this career path due to the vaccination.

A manufactured plandemic plus a reduction in healthcare options equals a slow steady decline in population. Hundreds of millions of people with chronic medical conditions not being able to get even basic treatments or medications. Food prices go through the roof, jobs disappearing, and a goofy blackface-wearing pussy at the reigns. I can’t stand this horse-cockery any further.

One surefire way that we know corruption happens is the slow beauracracy of government. They slowly bleed you dry in your kangaroo trial and delay the process of your appeal until you’re starved and forced to plan an earlier exit than you had intended to maintain any semblance of control over your destiny if they ever try come for you again.

Genocide takes many forms. Holodomor was the name given to genocide by famine. Holocaust, a genocide of all but one particular ethnic group deemed above the lesser-peoples. What is the name we will come up with for setting up a structure in which systemic denial of healthcare can be used to cull the population? Canada has death panels. We don’t call them that, but in Canada – almost anything in this whole entire world that has to do with creating or ending a life can be executed with the John Hancock of the nearest Dee R.

That’s all the Nazi’s did. It was just paperwork. Formalities. It was gradual. Define a lesser class, point at them. Scapegoat them. Poke them. Segregate them. Make decisions that are detrimental to them in the background. Deny deny deny.

These fucking swine want you to die.

The big-sick-19 was to kill the generally sick, weak, and old. Step 1. For the rest of us it’s social control, social control, social control. Evenly spaced. Masked when asked. Carrying your papers. Consenting to extra checks. Compulsory medical treatment. Be a good citizen and stand for the special song while the lovechild of Fidel Castro and Mrs. Trudeau cucks for China.

With-holding medical treatment is one method of euthanasia (Medically Assisted Dying). This is a generally accepted method of medically assisted death – stopping food and medical treatment. Is it not the same when a government sets up a healthcare system so incompetent that the doctors in charge can plead ignorance while completely preventing anyone at all from accessing anything except emergency medicine. It’s just too busy. We don’t have enough staff. It’s not our fault.

You fucking swine.

In a world where I can go on Fiverr and get blueprints for a home or a website built or a brochure made for next to no-cost from some guy from another country whose labour is less expensive than ours – how can we have a doctors recruitment crisis in Canada when we have the biggest erections in the world for immigrants coming here that will vote for Trudeau but for some reason we’re not head-hunting every fucking doctor in South-Asia. Why not? Throw money at them.

The doctor crisis is a manufactured crisis. This is one situation where one could definitely throw money at the manpower problem but they choose not to.

We don’t live in a real place, with real laws, or real institutions to enforce these laws. It’s all fugazi. It’s pretend. It’s an illusion and a show; a piece of live theatre. The cast appreciates your patronage at their show. You paid for it, after all.



BONUS: There are space aliens in the video below.

Canada, Inc. Part 6 – What is “Deferred Prosecution” and Why Does SNC-Lavalin Seek It?


Deferred prosecution is a way for things to disappear. In a flash. By the stroke of a magistrates pen everything disappears. A fine is paid, Libya is still looted, but poof. It’s gone.

JWR was correct to refuse interfering. She just was. The Reds trump it up to her inexperience; belittling her and lessening her contribution to our democracy by upholding it. The Government needed fresh faces; new blood who are not part of the ‘old guard’ that I so fondly spoke of during the last election.

Calling things out is necessary. Ignoring war crimes is wrong. Paying a fine while those making the decisions at the time enjoy lofty retirement is immoral.

On the flip side; this is a worldwide company that has done lots of good projects on every continent; employed skilled tradespeople, managers, and administrators of all stripes and from all places. They just got a little greedy in the war department. Does that mean they should be destroyed? Probably not. Should they be banned from government contracts for a bit? Most definitely.

They can still work internationally. All of the government contracts and contractors that currently operate will still operate. Another company will bid the job and probably hire the same people to do the work. It could be perhaps legislated as such. These are government contracts and the government / judiciary are making the decisions. The work will still need to be done. A maintenance worker or a property manager that works for SNC Lavalin under contract to maintain an office building would still be required, regardless of which company bids for the job. The local employee who was the maintenance guy is still the local employee who knows that building inside and out. Assuming we’re not getting into a temporary foreign worker situation; all things should remain equal with a different company logo on the workers shirt.

A thief or a crook is never caught the first time.

They’re probably not caught the second time neither.

Why would we assume that this is the only company that operates this way? This begs the question of whether or not other companies that operate internationally on this scale should be automatically examined. Perhaps just companies that operate in certain hot-spots. Certain… places of armed dispute.

Let’s not forget that SNC-Lavalin was also involved in the smuggling of Muammar Gaddafi’s son, Saadi, out of Libya (source).


